Ghosts and ghost stories become romantic?? I was watching the Travel Channel tonight and I've heard several times that ghost are romantic. Now I am still fairly newly married and we still like the romance but I have yet to say to him, "Gee dear, I still love you but I feel that our marriage is lacking some romance, lets go try and find a ghost or a haunted house to liven things up"
Call me weird but this is not something that I think of as romantic. I'd prefer dinner in a nice quiet place, a walk or a drive with just the two of us, flirting to our hearts content and of course some foreplay. I love ghost stories and haunted houses and I try to go out of my way to see them. I have a very open mind and am willing to believe in them until I have absolute proof in front of me that they are not real... now, don't get me wrong, I think a lot of people fake a lot of things, but I know that there are some things that just can't be explained away. But never "Oh look its a ghost... I think I love you, kiss me" type of thing.
I will admit that when I get scared, a real scare, that it turns me on, (sorry if this is TMI but you ask for it if your reading my blogs, TMI is to be expected sometimes... at least I'm not telling you about the hot and heavy sex I had the other night, LOVE MY HUBBY!!! ) So anyway, back to the scary things that turn me on, but that's like turned on lets have sex soon, not romance I love you. And seeing a ghost in front of my face would probably scare the shit out of me. I'll have to get back to you on that one, if I ever get a ghost in front of my face, or even behind me, or I guess anywhere in the room for that matter.
Maybe there's something you don't know about!!!! like... orgasms that make you float. If you & Pat are ever on the rocks (which will never happen) maybe you should try a haunted house before therapy!
oh..dear. You're not going to tell them about the sheep costume too are you??!!
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