Monday, December 8, 2008


Monday, December 8, 2008

Today's Writing Prompt: Value

Write about an item you own that isn't worth much money but has great value to you.

So I subscribed to this blog with the intention of doing it and writing for about a minute several times a week.... So far it hasn't happened. But today I will make it happen.

My item of value to me, though no monetary value is the cook book that Kelly made for me. I collect cookbooks thought it was so sweet that his class, ( he was in the 1st grade) all told their teacher how to make their favorite meals the way that their mom's make them, and Kelly's was Mac and Cheese. Though his instructions were so cute, just reading through the book was a laugh a minute. It is something that I will treasure forever. I plan to try and get it framed and hang it on the kitchen. I've seen these frames that open on the side and have a magnet to close it, to put pictures in and is easily changeable so I can take it down and look at it when ever I want. And my minutes up. That was pretty easy!!

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