So nothing new has happened yet, except one of my aunt's, (my mom's sister again) passed away, my sister is in jail until the middle of June next year. She got busted for a probation violation and I this one time, actually side with her. Her probation officer wanted her to pay more on her fines than she was making and when she tried to tell him this he asked her for proof so she brought it to him and he didn't seem to think it was enough so when she continued to struggle, he violated her. But I think it was a good thing anyway because even she admits that she was just getting more and more depressed and she said it was only a matter of time before she started using again. So now she's been clean for like 2 years.
The boys are all good. They are growing like weeds! Cameron just turned 3 and is so smart! Though, I know that all parents think that of their kids and I'm ok with that. Pat is still in school but he's getting ready to take two major tests soon and he's pretty excited about that. I am trying again to lose weight and this time it's actually working. Granted it's small amounts at a time, but hey, every little bit helps right?!?!? I'm also getting in better shape and am training, (though, not as well as I should right now) for a 5K marathon next year. I'm pretty excited about that.
And I know I'll probably catch hell for this, (from all my Twilight loving friends) I am so not interested in seeing the new movie. New Moon was my least favorite book so I'm sure since they stick fairly close to the books story line that it will be my least favorite movie as well. I know I'll go to see it eventually but I just have no desire to go sit for hours for any of the midnight showings. Call me crazy if you wish.
I've started taking pictures for a relaxing hobby and I'll try to post a few pics of my favorite ones so far. The one on the top is one I took in my mother in laws yard this summer.
You all have Shelly to thank for my post because she was very subtle in her hint that it was time I updated it. So I am...
I love the fall, but I hate all the rainy days we've gotten so far. I think the fact that I haven't been able to really get out and walk through the trees with all the changing leaves has something to do with it.
We've gone to my dad's sister's new house up in Logan to have a family dinner and then because his oldest sister was here from Texas so that was nice getting to see everyone again. A few of my aunts and uncles are on Facebook now and I keep getting told how much I"m like my dad. I am not in the least bit surprised by this because I have known for a very long time just how much we are a like.
So I have another confession.... I didn't finish "The Count of Monte Cristo" It is so hard to get into when I have so many other books that are demanding my attention that I know will be if not better, than at least faster and easier to read!! I just found a Jane Austen-ish type book that people in Shelfari SWEAR I will love. It's called "Frederica" by Georgette Heyer. I guess she wrote a whole series too and so it gives me more period romance/funny books to read.
I just updated my blog layout and realized that my shelfari widget isn't there anymore. I'll have to go get it again. If you are a member of shelfari please add me. I only have one friend though I LOVE Amber to death and am thrilled it's her that's my friend I'd still like some more. :)
I think that's all for now. I can hear the baby moving around wanting to get up so I'd better finish this all up later!
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