Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm Finished

I am finally finished planting all my mother in laws flowers.... I had help today and after 4!!! Count'em...4 trips to the store, the same store by the way, we got all the flowers planted and they look LOVELY!!! Even if I do say so myself. Although, it was not without some incidents... She has this strip in her back yard that just had weeds and some kind of plant things, ( I don't know what it was cause it was gone by the time I got there to work on it last week. but she had a box of wild flowers that she wanted down in place of the weed patch so I put down a tarp looking thing to help keep the weeds out and then placed 10 bags of top soil down, (and my back is paying the price now) then my helper, my BFF Samantha helped me by spreading the seeds down. She wasn't paying attention and put over 3/4 the box down on the first two and a half feet, and the strip is at least 10 feet long so we were grabbing handfuls of dirt and seed from the end and scattering it all over the rest of it but I have a sneaky feeling that that peticular section of dirt is going to bloom like crazy while the rest will be hit and miss... then when we were all done and proud of ourselves I noticed that the tarp thingy was blue and didn't quite look right so I looked on the packaging and guess what.... I put it on the ground UPSIDE DOWN!!!! So I'm HOPING and praying that it will still sorta work the way that it was supposed to but I'm not holding my breath. But the front yard looks FABULOUS!!!! I would have put about 10 more plants in her front flower bed but that's just me and I like it to look as full as possible. In a few years if they all do well it will look GREAT! I will take a picture tomorrow and paste it in this post. So it only took a full week but it really does look GREAT!! I am very happy with it and she seemed happy too! And I guess that is the most important part since it is her house.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Today Cameron said Kelly without any prompting from me. He was standing in front of me just jabbering and I noticed that it sounded an awful lot like Kelly. So I listened harder and sure enough it was. He was saying it like Kelwee instead of Kelly but close enough. It was just so cute that I wanted to cry!!

He's such a happy little boy and talks non-stop! He as much as I hate to say it, is WAY TOO MUCH like me... He is going to be stubborn and independent and strong willed!! I can see the future and I see us butting heads quite a bit when he reaches those oh so fun teenage years...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Off to the races...

Ok here is my first official blog on my new blog!! And I guess for todays topic I'll write about the differences between men and women, or shall I say my man and his woman... the first difference is that it appears men are blind while women see everything.... My man, has two jobs that are his; take out the trash and empty the dishwasher... I had two full bags of garbage and both sides of the sink FULL of dishes last night and I had to ASK to have the garbage taken out and I had to empty the dishwasher this morning just so I could do the dishes because it was so full that you couldn't fit any more dishes in the sinks. How is it that he can go in the kitchen and NOT see these things that are all very much in his and anyone else's faces that go in there??? I just can't guess. Well, I guess that's all for now and it's not too shabby for a first post.